The Lost City Of Atlantis | Full Documentary

The section you noted talks about the existence and potential location of the mythical city of Atlantis. The speaker discusses various theories and challenges, as well as new discoveries, about the possibility that Atlantis once existed beyond the known world. ubicación de la ciudad perdida de Atlantis en el Mar Negro? o en el océano Pacífico? ¿Podría haber realmente sido la ciudad perdida de Atlantis creada por el *”Manos de Requiem”*, descubierta en ’88 y datada del este del holiday-2

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the ongoing debate about the existence of Atlantis, as described by Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. The speaker argues that while Plato used fiction in his writing, his descriptions of Atlantis are not just literary creations, but rather real culture and history. The speaker notes that Atlantis was said to have had an army, went to war, and was an enemy of prehistoric Athens, a city that was defeated by Atlantis. The speaker also points out that Plato claimed to have obtained this information from ancient Egyptian priests who spoke to an ancient Greek legislature called Solon, a real person in history. The speaker argues that these details suggest that Atlantis was a real culture and not just a fictional creation. The speaker also notes that the modern quest for Plato’s Atlantis was sparked by the discovery of the ancient city of Troy in 1868 and that some scholars wondered if there might be real history behind the fiction of Homer’s Iliad.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of “The Lost City of Atlantis | Full Documentary”, the narrator discusses the similarities between Atlantis and other historic cultures, such as Troy and Santorini. They also examine the discovery of the mythical city of Troy by German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1868, which provided energy for modern-day explorers to search for Atlantis. The narrator then identifies the geographical and geological markers in Plato’s texts and suggests that Santorini may have been the inspiration behind Plato’s Atlantis. Despite this, they also note that Santorini does not match the geographical or chronological markers that Plato gave for Atlantis, raising questions about the accuracy of Plato’s narratives.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, the narrator discusses the theories surrounding the location of Atlantis. Many people believe that Atlantis could be found in South America, in places like the Amazon, or off the coast of Cuba. However, evidence of submerged cities in various parts of the world, such as the streetscapes and cityscapes in India and Mexico, suggest that there may have been civilizations that existed before these locations were submerged. While these places are fascinating and important in understanding our ancestry, they are not the actual Atlantis described by Plato. The video suggests that Plato’s clues, such as the earthquake, tsunami, and the unusual shape of the structure in Mauritania, may lead us to the location of the real Atlantis.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the potential location of the lost city of Atlantis. The video discusses the idea that Atlantis may have been located beyond the known world, possibly even in an underwater location. The video examines various potential locations for Atlantis, including Mauritania, Malta, and Cuba, and explores the evidence and challenges associated with each location. The video also discusses the potential impact of the Younger Dryas cold period, caused by the Clovis comet, on various parts of the planet and the possibility that Atlantis may have been submerged by this event. The video highlights the need for more evidence and research to definitively determine the location and existence of Atlantis.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the video discusses the discovery of archaeological sites in southern Spain that point to a culture with a memory of Atlantis. Richard Freund, a professor of archaeology at the University of Hartford, has been investigating these sites using technology that reads soil conductivity. The team has located a site in Don Yana, a region of mud flats in western Spain, where they found patterns strongly suggesting a circular buried structure, which they interpret as a representation and miniature of an ancient city. In addition, they have discovered a unique structure in Spain called Cancillería de los Reyes Cristianos at Concha Rowana, which appears to serve as a shrine or memorial to the ancient people’s cultural heritage. The structure includes a temple with vestiges of gold, silver, and bronze, and a large stone carved at the threshold of the temple bearing an enormous metal sword and what appears to be a map of Plato’s Atlantis. This discovery raises the possibility that Atlantis may have been located on the coast of southern Spain and may have had a mining and refining industry. Despite the circumstantial evidence, many researchers are investing great sums of money and even lifetimes in looking for a place that a great many scholars claim is purely fictional.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the documentary, the speaker discusses the search for Atlantis and the significance of finding evidence that supports the existence of Plato’s lost city. The speaker highlights the difficulty in identifying a geographical candidate that meets all 24 checkpoints established by researchers in 2005. Despite the numerous candidates, such as the Amazon jungle, North Sea, Cuba, Malta, Japan, and India, none comes close to fulfilling the requirements. The speaker also explains the significance of taking Plato’s lost city out of the “fiction basket” and making it real. According to the speaker, finding Atlantis would add weight to Plato’s other claims, which may become irrelevant if they are not real, and if they are real, Plato’s claims can change people’s lives. The speaker then goes into Plato’s writing in Timaeus and Critias, where Atlantis makes its first appearance. Plato identifies three sources of information: logic applied to things we can observe, an altered state of consciousness, and divine intervention in the evolution of Homo sapiens. The speaker then explains that the search for Atlantis is not only about dating an ancient civilization, but it is also about understanding its philosophical and spiritual significance.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the documentary, the speaker discusses Plato’s third source of information about Atlantis, which he claims was passed on to a real figure in Greek history called Solon. The speaker argues that Solon received the information from ancient Egyptian priests, who curated it and passed it down through the ages. The speaker suggests that this information predated even Solon, coming from a source older than Greek history. The speaker then argues that Plato’s narrative of Atlantis may be a fusion of fact and fiction, an interweaving of a moral lesson with details inspired by real history. The speaker uses the example of his own book, “My Dinner with Anton,” which is a fictional conversation between two people that quotes real historical conversations and figures. The speaker points out that while Plato uses fiction in his teaching, the conversation and ideas he conveys are still based on real historical figures. The speaker then discusses Plato’s claims about human origins, the origins of the universe as a unified field of consciousness and intelligence, and love. The speaker suggests that these claims are still worth considering, even if they are rooted in fiction. The speaker argues that Plato’s claims about more intelligent and advanced civilizations, as well as the possibility of consciousness surviving death, still hold weight and warrant further consideration. Overall, the speaker suggests that while Plato’s narrative of Atlantis may be partially rooted in fiction, his ideas about human civilization and consciousness are still worth considering and can offer enlightening insights into our past and future.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of Plato as a thinker in the history of Western philosophy. While some dismiss his ideas as mere fantasy, such as the existence of the lost city of Atlantis, the speaker argues that Plato’s writings, including his Atlantis narrative, provide valuable information that we should take seriously. If we were to establish the existence of Atlantis and locate its remains, it could support Plato’s claims and provide valuable insights into human history and the nature of reality.


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