The most unusual planets in the universe

In this section of the video, the host discusses several unusual planets in the universe. The first planet mentioned is Dimidium, which is tidally locked to its sun and has one side always facing the star while the other is always turned away. The hot side of the planet is heated to over 1800 degrees and is constantly

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the video discusses five unusual planets in the universe that are not your regular planets. The first planet, Trappist-1h, is located in the Trappist-1 star system and is known for its extreme temperatures, with temperatures as high as 373 degrees Celsius. The second planet, Duende, is a gas giant that is so massive that it emits a faint glow due to its burning air. The third planet, LALande, is a hot blue dwarf star that is slowly devouring its planet. The fourth planet, Gliese 1214b, is a Neptune-sized exoplanet that is so close to its star that it has temperatures hotter than a blazing oven and is covered in ice that constantly burns. The fifth planet, Venus, is Earth’s evil twin and has an atmosphere filled with sulfuric acid and volcanic eruptions that constantly thrash its surface.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the host discusses several unusual planets in the universe. The first planet mentioned is Dimidium, which is tidally locked to its sun and has one side always facing the star while the other is always turned away. The hot side of the planet is heated to over 1800 degrees and is constantly blown away by winds reaching 600 miles per hour, despite Dimidium being a gas giant. Another planet discussed is Osiris, which has extreme proximity to its star and a very short orbit. The atmospheric temperature of Osiris is typical of a living melting pot, with anything that could burn in its atmosphere. Another terrifying planet mentioned is Karate xo3b, which is 20 times denser than Earth and has a gravity that would immediately crush anyone or anything stepping on it. The planet has a rocky surface that boils and bubbles, eventually falling back down in a brimstone rain. Lastly, the host discusses Ots-44, a planet about 11 times more massive than Jupiter that positions itself in space without being bound to the orbit of any star. The possibility of millions of such rogue planets existing is the topic of theoretical discussion.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the narrator discusses the existence of unusual planets that are mostly covered in water. These planets can be found both in our solar system, such as Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Callisto, as well as in other parts of the galaxy. The conditions for these planets to exist are very specific, requiring them to be several times larger than Earth and located in the habitable zone of their star. One example of an ocean planet is Gliese 1214b, which was the first one discovered. It is a super-Earth covered in water and ice, with very little rock or metal. Although it is difficult to explore, scientists believe it is a water world. Another candidate for a water planet is TOI 1452b, which was recently discovered and is located in the Dragon constellation.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, we learn about two unusual planets in the universe. The first planet, 1452b, is seven times larger than Earth but 48 times heavier, leading scientists to believe it consists mainly of a giant ocean. Despite its unusual composition, it likely has a rocky surface beneath the water. The planet orbits two small red dwarf stars, making it very distant from its stars and resulting in a year that lasts only 11 days. While the presence of water and its location in the habitable zone suggests the possibility of life, the lack of minerals on water planets makes it unlikely. However, there is a chance that meteorites and comets could bring minerals and create the conditions for life. The second planet, KOI 5715.01, orbits an orange dwarf star and has a longer lifespan than Earth’s sun, giving it more time for life to form. While it is younger than Earth, it is in the habitable zone and has the potential for organisms to exist.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the video discusses three unusual planets in the universe, starting with a planet that is nearly two times larger than Earth and has an average temperature of 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite being far away from Earth, the strong gravity on this planet helps it retain heat in the atmosphere. Next, a planet named koi 3010.01 is described as having an average temperature of 67 degrees Fahrenheit, making it slightly warmer than Earth. Scientists believe it has similarities to our planet, including the presence of an ocean covering up to 60 percent of the surface. There is an 84 percent chance of finding life, although not necessarily intelligent life, on this planet. Lastly, Kepler 186f is introduced as a candidate for hosting life and is considered Earth’s cousin. Located near a red dwarf star, this planet is similar in size to Earth and could have stable seasons and a normal day-night cycle due to its tilt. These planets hold promise for potential discoveries, but further exploration is required to uncover their true nature.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses two unusual planets, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f, that orbit a red dwarf star. Kepler-62e has a year that lasts about 122 days, making it shorter than the previous planet discussed. Scientists believe that both planets are water worlds, with most or even all of their surfaces covered in water. If there is land, it is likely to be in the form of islands. This concept of a world consisting entirely of islands may be exciting for some but terrifying for others, especially those who imagine giant ancient marine animals like Megalodon. However, there are still many unknowns about these planets, such as their composition, density, and whether or not they have a solid surface. While these super-Earths may be fascinating, there are thousands of other exoplanets that are closer to Earth and could potentially harbor some form of life. Unfortunately, these planets are currently too far away for us to explore.



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