How Life Will Look Like In 2050? Explore the future of AI

The year 2050 could see humans becoming more powerful with access to endless information and solutions through the use of nanobots, while 3D print technology will become more accessible. Space exploration and colonisation will become more achievable with companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin revolutionising space technology. However, experts predict that AI will surpass the processing power of living brains and potentially make half of the world’s current jobs extinct by 2050. Digital learning and completely digital schools will become commonplace, and the metaverse will offer users a full virtual experience. Finally, the use of cash will no longer exist, homes will be completely automated, and interactive hologram televisions will become the norm. While these innovations are possible, current societal systems and structures will need to adapt.

  • (00:00:00) In this section, we explore what life might look like in 2050. The nanotechnology development may make it possible for nanobots to be fitted into our brains to connect us to the virtual world, making humans very powerful beings with access to endless information and solutions. Additionally, 3D print technology is expected to become even more advanced, making it more accessible to everyone who may want a 3D printer. Fully automated vehicles with a drastic reduction in traffic-related deaths will be a common sight, and the fuel used in all future transportation modes will be renewable energy. Finally, space exploration and colonization will be more accessible, with companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin revolutionizing space technology with goals of spatial exploration and enabling people to live on other planets in colonies.
  • (00:05:00) In this section, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the job market is discussed. Experts predict that AI will surpass the processing power of living brains and will lead to radical changes in the workforce, potentially making half of the world’s current jobs extinct by 2050. Additionally, education will also see significant changes with digital learning and completely digital schools becoming commonplace. The metaverse, a virtual reality environment, will also become more developed, offering users a full virtual experience, including shopping and travel. Cash transactions will no longer be used, and homes will be completely automated with AI activation functions and interactive hologram televisions. While these innovations are not far-fetched, the video acknowledges the need for current societal systems and structures to cope with these advancements.


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