What is REALLY Hidden Below the Ice of Antarctica?

In the YouTube video “What’s REALLy Hidden Below the Ice of Antarctica?”, scientist Dr. Robert Schinchuk discusses various discoveries beneath Antarctica’s ice sheet. Researchers have found ancient civilizations, fossilized forests dating back 9 million years, and large strange fish in Antarctic waters. Additionally, meteors, including the oldest one in our solar system, ‘EA8400’, containing micro-fossils indicating past life on Mars, were discovered. Scientists continue to search for water and signs of Martian life in these meteors. Furthermore, the IceCube project in Antarctica facilitates predicting future Martian climate patterns, and the discovery of a mountain range, the Discovery Range, beneath the ice raises questions about its formation due to geologic movements not currently observed. The video has garnered considerable support and appreciation for shedding light on these intriguing scientific findings.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “What’s REALLY Hidden Below the Ice of Antarctica?”, the speaker discusses discoveries made beneath the ice sheet of Antarctica. Researchers have found evidence of ancient civilizations hidden beneath the ice, along with ice formations containing fossilized forests that date back 9 million years. Additionally, large, strange fish have been spotted in the waters near Antarctica, with some reaching up to 33 feet in length. However, researchers have yet to determine what these fish are feeding on or how they survive in the cold waters. Another intriguing discovery is the presence of red carbon dating, which indicates that there was once a forest of coal deposits beneath the ice, which bubbled up and created a lake of warm water, with coal deposits and red clay at its bottom. This discovery suggests that Antarct
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled “What’s REALLY Hidden Below the Ice of Antarctica?”, scientist Dr. Robert Schinchuk discusses the discovery of meteors buried under the Antarctic ice. Among these meteors is one named EA8400, which is believed to be the oldest object in our solar system, dating back nearly 45 billion years. In 1996, Dr. Schinchuk discovered micro-fossils in this meteor, indicating that there was once life on Mars. This discovery led scientists to continue searching for water and signs of past Martian life in this and other meteors. Despite the difficulty in accessing the meteors, which are encased in soil layers that are covered in miles of ice, scientists have made significant discoveries in mineral deposits found in these meteors. This included minerals that can only exist in water, providing evidence that there was once copious amounts of water on Mars. The IceCube project, located in Antarctica, has facilitated the prediction of future Martian climate patterns, and the discovery of a large mountain range beneath the ice, known as the Discovery Range, has raised questions about how it could have formed due to geologic movements that are not presently observed in Antarctica. The video has received overwhelming support and appreciation from viewers for shedding light on this fascinating area of scientific research.


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