Why am I always tired - The REAL Reasons - Hubcage

The video “Why You’re Always Tired – The REAL Reasons” identifies three reasons for feeling tired: overeating, poor sleep quality, and inactivity. The importance of daily exercise and its effect on increasing baseline energy is discussed, as well as the impact of pranic energy from consuming junk food or enduring mental and emotional stress. Recommendations include getting sources of air, sun, ground, eating fresh produce, and performing 15 minutes of Pranayama in the morning to increase pranic energy levels. Finally, low blood count is discussed, and suggestions are given for foods to eat that can increase the number of red blood cells.

  • (00:00:00) In this section, the video identifies three reasons for feeling tired. The first reason is overeating, which can lead to sluggishness and depletion of energy reservoirs from digesting too much food. The solution is to eat at fixed times and keep meals light, reducing heavy foods like cheese, nut butters, and deep-fried foods. The second reason is poor sleep quality, which may be due to sleeping at the wrong time or consuming caffeine and heavy dinners that hinder restful sleep. The third reason is inactivity, as prolonged sitting weakens and tires the body.
  • (00:05:00) In this section, the importance of daily exercise and its effect on increasing our baseline energies is discussed. It is explained how exercise produces more mitochondria in the cells, the creator of energy, resulting in starting energy to do any given task to increase from 10 to 24 units. It is also outlined that pranic energy is another factor in feeling tired, caused by the consumption of junk food or the emotional and mental stresses endured throughout the day. Increasing pranic energy can be done by getting sources of air, sun, and ground, which provide greater pranic energy, and eating fresh seasonal fruits, freshly cooked meals, and spending just 15 minutes doing Pranayama in the morning. Finally, low blood count is discussed, which results in lower levels of red blood cells and the inability to carry oxygen to body tissues efficiently. Eat high iron foods such as dry dates milk, beetroot carrot juice, and pomegranate to increase the number of red blood cells.
  • (00:10:00) This excerpt is not relevant to the main content of the video and is merely a promotion for a hair mask product and a discount coupon. No summary is provided.


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